
“A fold, or sheepfold, is a large enclosure, often constructed with stone walls, where the sheep are protected at night. It has only one opening. At the end of the day, the shepherd calls the sheep. They know his voice, and through the gate they enter the safety of the fold.” Elder Randy D. Funk

This is really what it is all about isn’t it? Helping each other to get and stay in the fold, protected by our covenants.


“You are a son or daughter of God

As a member of the Church, you are a child of the covenant

You are a disciple of Jesus Christ” – Russel M. Nelson

How crucial it is that we each think about these three, and really internalize them.


Moral agency is God’s precious gift to each of His children. We are “free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil.” God won’t force us to do good, and the devil can’t force us to do evil. Though some may think that mortality is a contest between God and the adversary, a word from the Savior “and Satan is silenced and banished. … It is [our] strength that is being tested—not God’s.” – Elder Jorg Klegingat

Another thought about the purpose of our earth life.

Which outcome will we choose?


Doctrine = The Why

Principles = The What

Applications = The How

True doctrine changes behavior and attitude and belief.


“A powerful king desired for his son to rule over one of his kingdoms. The prince had to learn and grow in wisdom to sit on the throne. One day, the king met with the prince and shared his plan. They agreed the prince would go to a different town and gain experiences. He would face challenges as well as enjoy many good things there. The king then sent him to the town, where the prince was expected to prove his faithfulness to the king and demonstrate that he was fit to receive the privileges and responsibilities the king had in store for him. The prince was given the liberty to choose to receive these privileges and responsibilities or not, depending on his desires and his faithfulness.” Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran

We have the liberty choose the happiness we will enjoy in this life and in the life to come.


“And thus we see, that there was a time granted unto man to repent, yea, a probationary time, a time to repent and serve God.” – Alma 42:4


It is true.

It doesn’t matter who we are or what we have done up to this point.

It doesn’t matter what we look like.

It doesn’t matter what sins we are struggling to get rid of.

It doesn’t matter how broken we are.

It doesn’t matter how insignificant we think we are.

The Lord takes everyone.


“For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” (Moses 1:39)


“Wounds and differences can be resolved and even healed when we honor God, the Father of us all, and Jesus Christ, His Son.” Elder Ronald A. Rasband.

The more I study and ponder, the more I see how the atonement of Jesus Christ is all encompassing and can heal all if we allow Him into our lives.


I have a half sister and half brother that I don’t remember.

I was a toddler the last time we were together some 45 years ago.

Because of family history my half sister reached out to me and we have begun to connect.

I’m looking forward to learning about my past and connecting some of the dots.