
It often seems that we become what we do.

Taking full responsibility for our mistakes of the past is important but when that is complete we need to completely let go of that and focus on the future.

What if on most mornings we pray to be used as instrument in the Lord’s hands to help someone in need.

Over time we will start noticing people we can lift in some way.

It won’t take long until we become a person that helps other people.

Who can we become?


-Set the thermostat

-Turn off the lights

-Brush your teeth

-Lock the doors

Things don’t feel quite right if we don’t go through the routine every night. These tasks are habit by now. The thing is we can just as easily add to this list.

-Hug our family good night


-Study the words of ancient and modern prophets

-Reflect on how God was in our life today

-Think about how we felt the Holy Ghost

Just some thoughts.


” . . . the capacity to discern the absolute emptiness of anything in or coming from the great and spacious building.” – Elder David A. Bendar

This can be difficult to do at times but so essential. The better we can have a long term view the better decisions we will make.

Engaging in some activities may seem “fun” in the moment but that type of shortsightedness leads to pain and misery. Wickedness never was happiness.

Wickedness always leads to emptiness.


Such a good headline.

I’m going to flesh this one out a lot more over time but I wanted to get it down here as a placeholder.

Figure out where happiness comes for us and do more of that.

It has to be based on absolute truth to actually produce happiness.


“For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.” Isaiah 54:10

No matter what happens. No matter how crazy life and the world get, the Lord is always there for us. He is our constant. Unchanging. That brings a lot of solitude, confidence and peace.


I read this article this evening that the church just donated $32 million to the World Food Program. This is possible because of the donations of its members. It makes me proud that so many are seeking to put God first in their lives.


“You have been called to serve in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thank you for your service. You will bless lives and experience joy as you serve faithfully.” – Church Handbook

Even thought the days of service are very long sometimes they can be rejuvenating. Serving brings joy and a renewal of mind and body and spirit.


I heard a great speaker this weekend talking about all the things he could give his wife. He could give her chocolaty things, sparkly things and even flowery things. But the greatest thing he could give her is a better version of himself.

I really liked that distinction. If we want to be the best spouse we can be we need to work on ourselves. Become a little more like Christ each day.

That is the definition of repentance isn’t it?


“To sacrifice means to give something up in favor of something more valuable.

Consecration is different from sacrifice in at least one important way. When we consecrate something, we don’t leave it to be consumed upon the altar. Rather, we put it to use in the Lord’s service. We dedicate it to Him and His holy purposes. We receive the talents that the Lord has given us and strive to increase them, many fold, to become even more helpful in building the Lord’s kingdom.” – Elder Uchtdorf

Sacrifice and consecration are important laws that we covenant to keep and both are important in our constant refinement to become better disciples of Jesus Christ.

What is something I can sacrifice?

What is something I can consecrate?